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We are committed to modern industrial technology and environmental sustainability

Urban Waste Generation

Every year billions tones of waste are generated worldwide. With an increase in population, urbanization and technology advancement, the amount and type of waste is rapidly increased, causing negative impacts on health and the environment.

Main waste problems in urban areas

Waste problem 1

Municipal Solid Waste

from households, public and commercial organizations

Waste problem 2

Sewage sludge

as a moist solid product from waste water treament facilities

Waste problem 3

Waste plastics

is a non-biodegradable component of municipal soild waste

Major types of waste heavily affected urban environment are MSW (municipal solid waste), sewage sludge and waste plastics.

Evolution of waste management

Increased costs of using of fossil fuels and environmental aspects become as the driving forces in search for alternative methods of waste treatment. Transformation of waste treatment: from landfill disposal to controlled combustion in incinerator and eventually to environmental friendly and efficient pyrolysis technology for material and energy recycling.



Main problems:

  • Waste of land
  • Loss of natural resources
  • Contamination of groundwater
  • Emission sto atmospohere
  • Odour


Advantages vs. landfilling:

  • More effcient waste disposal
  • Energy generation from waste heat

Main issues:

  • Large gas emissions
  • Dioxins and other combustion products
  • Harmful ashes
  • Dust filtering
  • Fuel consumption


Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition of organic compounds during heating in th eabsence of extrenal oxygen(air) supply

Generated pyrolysis gas can be further used either as source of thermal and electrical energy or, in some cases, for pyrolysis oil recovery.

Our Solution

Waste pyrolysis industrial plants

deliver effective initail waste volume reduction, materials and energy recovery from pyrolysis process, less gas emissions comparing with incinerator, stable operation for a broad range of wastes, no fuel supply for normal operations

MSW pyrolysis

  • Steam production
  • Heating/ warm water
  • Electricity generation
  • RDF/SRF production
  • Metal recycling

  • MSW pyrolysis details

    Sludge pyrolysis

  • Steam / warm water
  • Electricity generation
  • Biochar production
  • Carbonized biofuel
  • Phosphorus recovery

  • Sludge pyrolysis details

    Plastics pyrolysis

  • Laminates recycling
  • Steam production
  • Heating / warm water
  • Electricity generation
  • Oil recovery

  • Plastics pyrolysis details

    Coal Power Station:   Emissions

    One of the major sources of air pollutions are coal fired power plants which emit particles, carbon and sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides. Gas emissions also contain heavy metals such as mecury and cadmium. Large quantities of water are often needed to remove impurities from coal in the process is known as coal washing. Quite often coal power stations are located in the vicinity of cities worsening environmental situation in populated areas.

    Total EU power generation by coal power plants in % (2017)

    Percentage of European coal-fired power plants with negative cashflow (2017)

    More details

    Our Solution: from coal fired plant to pyrolysis plant

    Conversion from fossil fuel fired power plant to biofuel plant

    Pyrolysis of waste derived fuels (RDF/SRF) as energy source for power plant


    More on industrial pyrolysis and turnkey pyrolysis project execution on our websites

    splainex.com        biochar.ing